Monday, December 22, 2008


So I have been thinking about Christmas, and I'm very excited this year!! Micah is obsessed with our tree and the "aga" (lights) and the "tar" (star) on top, so I have had the chance to share with him about Jesus being born, coming to earth as a tiny baby, just like Micah!! What a wonderful truth to share at Christmas when so much of what is happening is all about presents and Santa.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Final Andy's Dad Update

Hi everyone, thanks for keeping up with all of this, it has been a long road. Andy's dad passed into eternal life at 1:35 am November 5th. We are sad that he is no longer with us, but happy that he is no longer in pain, and that he is now in eternal glory, rest, and joy - with Jesus Christ, whom he believed in so solidly, and led us so well to follow by his example of love and confident faith.

The wake and funeral service will be Thursday, Nov 13th at Meadowbrook Church in Wauwatosa - click here to see the obituary and details.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another Update on Andy's Dad

Hi, a lot of you have been asking for updates on Andy's Dad... we went to see him Wednesday the 22nd and spent some time there around lunchtime. After we arrived, he had a short nap and then we went to lunch. He and Andy enjoyed some soup, and then a friend from church came by to visit as well. We sat and talked in the cafeteria for a while and then went back to his room. After lunch, unfortunately, Dad wasn't able to keep his food down, so that was a bummer. He was relatively lucid while he was awake, but there were a few oddball comments here and there. He is physically doing pretty well, but mentally not great. He is in good spirits and was making jokes even when he was getting sick. The best part is that he is still spiritually awesome. We have no idea now when his time will come, but God has it all planned and we are confident that the timing will be just right. Please continue to pray for Mama Chris (Andy's stepmom), for strength, endurance, and most of all, reliance on and confidence in Jesus. Thanks!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Andy's Dad update

Today, Andy's dad had two heart attacks while in the hospital with complications due to chemo. He had been on dialysis and TPN nutrition and after the heart attacks today, he was in a lot of pain, but lucid. He decided, with the support of the family, to stop artificial means of life support, including nutrition and dialysis. He will enter hospice tomorrow and continue only pain medication. The doctor said a healthy person can go 11 days without food, and since Don is not healthy, it will probably be 3-5 days. Please pray for the last few days with family to be rich and sweet, and for minimal pain for Don until his passing into eternal life with Jesus. Pray for Chris, Don's wife, and Lisa, Andy's sister, and Andy. Also, Don's siblings, Janece, Warren, and Karen.

Monday, September 15, 2008

thanks for praying

Thank you for your prayers - Andy's dad is doing much better. He is on the oncology floor now instead of ICU. I will try to update again soon. :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Please pray

Andy's dad is in the hospital with complications due to chemo. He has a rare type of prostate cancer which is in his bones and elsewhere in his pelvic region. This is a recurrence of a cancer that he recovered from a few years ago. Right now, he went into the hospital with pain in his hips, and they found that he had an infection, septic shock, and then last night he ended up having a heart attack. He is stable and was awake and coherent today.

Please pray for Don (Andy's dad), Chris (Andy's stepmom), Andy and Lisa (Andy's sister). I will update when we hear more.

unpacking is yucky

I truly despise unpacking. That is why I'm posting on the blog and not unpacking right now. :P

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I am bad at blogging

This blog is starting to remind me of my journals - I am terrible at consistently posting!! Well, Micah is 9 months old now, and he is a treat. If you are interested in seeing approximately 50 pics a month, and you don't already get my emails, please let me know, and I'll add you to the list. He's so adorable!! This is my favorite recent pic, with his "mohawk" in the bath.

biggest recent news is that we purchased our first house in Trevor, WI - and we are busy making it a home!! So far, we have ripped out all the old flooring (except some decent ceramic tile in the bathroom), moved the entrances to the bedrooms, creating an alcove (you have to see it), added a linen closet (cutting the master closet in half - but it's worth it!), changed every single light fixture except one recessed light in the kitchen, sanded and refinished the kitchen cabinet face frames (with like 20 doors and drawers to go) and painted every single wall - not one white wall in the place!! Here's a pic of the exterior, I'll post more soon.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

all done working - lol

post by Nicole

Well, I'm done working for a paycheck. Now the work of motherhood begins. I have to say first of all that I am SO thankful for the blessing it is to be able to stay home with our little munchkin. Even when he cries upwards of 4 hours a day (which he does, and which we are trying to pinpoint the cause of).

Every day is now a workday, 24 hours a day, but every day is now also a "free" day, with no commute, no traffic, no boss (but God), and no deadlines. So far, it suits me. But I won't lie - as much as this kid has been crying lately, I'm definitely looking forward to my cruise in early February!!