Thursday, June 24, 2010

Citizen Sudhoff #2 on the way, remembering Grandpa Don

Hey blog world, sorry it's been OVER A YEAR since I posted a blog entry... yikes! Well, I'm trying to get back into the swing with this one.

We are very excited to welcome Citizen Sudhoff #2 around Thanksgiving this year. I'm about 18 weeks pregnant right now, and I'm feeling pretty good! We will find out if we're having a boy or a girl on July 12th (assuming Citizen #2 is as cooperative as Citizen #1 was). We're taking the whole family to the ultrasound, and Micah is excited to see a "video" of the baby in Mommy's belly.

Last Saturday, we went to the Milwaukee County Zoo to participate in the Vince Lombardi Charitable Funds Walk/Run to raise money for cancer research. We walked in memory of Andy's dad, Don, who went to be with Jesus in November 2008 after a long battle with cancer. We raised $340 including our own registrations and a matching gift from one donor's company, along with many individual and family donations. We are so grateful to all those who donated! Here's a few pics of our adventure at the zoo. We had a great time, and Micah had as much fun running up and down the ramp by the giraffes as actually looking at the animals. :) We decided to put off the zoo pass for a year. ;)

Micah loved the Safari Train - we got to ride with the steam engine AND the diesel engine!

Chrissy sponsored one of the water tables in memory of Dad/Grandpa Sudhoff.

Watching the steam engine come down the track!

Chrissy and Micah looking out the window of the train. So cute. :)

The shade was perfect for this pic! Micah had such a sweet setup in Grammy & Papa's wagon. He was chillin' all day. :)

Here's the fam, decked out in Hawaiian gear in honor of Don.
Chrissy, Micah, Andy, Nicole, Janece, Nathan, Craig.